Children's Collectives (CCs)

(A voluntary association of children from every village)

“Children assemble not only to discuss and debate issues that directly affect them but take action at their level. They attend child rights training, organise campaigns, attend Gram Sabha meetings and petition civic authorities. They acquire civic-political self.”

Parent Collectives (PCs)

(Forum of parents from every community)

“Parents are the first level providers of child safety and defenders of child rights. We build their capacity for positive child rearing and effective protection that expands ‘child centred space’ at home.”

Child Rights Monitoring Committee (CRMCs)

(A voluntary association of community elders, parents and youth from every community )

“We build the capacity of the committee for community level monitoring of violation of child rights, intervention and follow up.”

Child Rights and Child Safeguarding Training

(For staff and facilitators )

“ Greater synergy for child rights and child safeguarding implementation.”

Child Rights and Child Safeguarding Audit

(By both internal and external auditors)

“ We strive to maintain the highest standards in ensuring child rights and child protection.”

“ Jim Dyson is a former police superintendent in UK. Now he is an internationally accredited Child Safeguarding Auditor. Dyson extends training and consultancy on child safeguarding to our staff through Paperboat, our partner in UK. He conducted an audit of CEDAR in 2018 on behalf of JHC “