Community Digital Platform

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Community Digital Platform for Children's Resource Centre's (CRC)

“Covid 19 lockdown first time brought our attention to the dangers of digital divide which would further exclude the poor children from the mainstream educational process. Initially it was thought of as creating access to online teaching. We least realized that the digital domain creeping into the physical and face-to-face learning space of the CRCs would severely alter the learning environment of the children. CRCs have now necessarily become blended learning spaces that throw several challenges not only for children but for the facilitators, creative leads and the programme designers. It has set in motion an iterative process that deserves serious attention” Prof. T Chinnaraj Joseph Jaikumar, CEO.

CEDAR Community digital platform, a state-of-the-art-technology includes a Cybernetyx camera with capabilities to convert the medium into an interactive medium opening access to a world class resources curated via ‘Intellispace’ providing access to an interactive interface. It has been mindfully configured to empower children to gain access to a world of educational resources that they confidently use in their day to day lives. The technology is highly interactive allowing children get connected to people, curated and created resources, and pathways for co-creation of digital capital for common good.

Our in-house content aims at providing a blended learning experience through art, media, theatre facilitating including the mainstream educational content accentuates the curate – create – co-create continuum. It extends to the community, as well, developing a spectrum of capabilities across the community. Of course, overcoming challenges posed by variety of digital inequalities all through.

Our creative leads, alongside children and community play a major role in this process. They use this agency to consistently accrue digital capital towards gradual maturation and adept use to profit through critical and creative evaluation. The taxonomy of assimilation to this hybrid digital ecosystem is assessed for social value creation and impact to realign the processes critically and creatively.